Dedication- Nothing worth doing comes easy. There will be no overnight easy fixes. We will all need to do what we can with understanding every little bit counts. There will be times that doing our part is not easy or convenient but the long term outweighs the work- but this again takes each person committing to doing the work every day.
Aswe face an unprecedented environmental crisis, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. This series seeks to spotlight the innovative minds and passionate advocates who are leading the charge in environmental conservation and sustainable practices. We aim to explore the most effective strategies, breakthrough technologies, and transformative policies that are shaping a more sustainable future for our planet. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Shannon and Anthony Taylor of Legacy Bundles
Shannon Taylor, Co-founder of Legacy Bundles, a company that allows parents to swap out their kids’ clothing. Legacy Bundles was created after Shannon and her husband Anthony had their first baby and realized how quickly kids outgrow their clothes. Their “Bundle Swap” lets parents trade in gently used clothes that children up to 5 years old have outgrown in exchange for any size, gender, or style of clothing in return. Legacy Bundles was designed to help parents AND the planet and to also create a community of families trading clothes together, saving parents time and money.
Thank you so much for joining us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?
Legacy Bundles is owned by 2 couples one of them being Deb and Jared Manns. Deb and Jared are high school sweethearts that have had careers in education. They have made family the centerpoint of all they do and put great emphasis on raising their family of 5 kids.
Anthony and Myself (Shannon Taylor) are the other half of Legacy Bundles. We met early in middle school however led separate lives during our 20s. Anthony joined the Coast Guard doing several deployments and years at sea. I traveled the world teaching scuba diving. Our paths collide again in 2018 while in Michigan. It was there that we fell in love with business and cut our teeth being owner and operators of our axe throwing venus. We expanded to 3 locations in 2 states within 3 years. We eventually sold the operations after starting a family and shifting focus to Legacy Bundles.
The 2 couples joined forces pulling on each person’s strength and life experiences to create, develop, and launch Legacy Bundles.
Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?
While teaching scuba diving off the coast of California I was in charge of a night dive. To safely dive in these conditions we anchor the boat in kelp beds where you drop down and explore the area and then return the kelp growth and begin ascending to the surface. The logic behind this is sharks do not avidly hunt in kelp. On this night dive I had a new-to-me diver and we aimed for a 40 min dive. After about 15 minutes I was approached by the young lady who showed me her air gauge with just enough air to get us to the surface. It is very common for people who are nervous to consume more air, but 15 minutes was fast. The next problem was we had to get to the surface- this required us going up in deep blue water at 10:00 at night in a sea lion nursery. I was responsible for not only me but the gal. I was on the verge of tears, this was not a safe situation and I knew it but I could not let her do it. We did safely make it to the top with air to spare but now we looked like giant seals floating in the middle of the night in shark hunting grounds. We started to surface swim and quickly the boat team got a light on us and sent a smaller boat to come get us. After getting back on board safely and getting the diver all set in I returned to my sleeping quarters and vomited. The situation was more dangerous than that girl will ever know. But I learned a valuable lesson that day, no matter the situation when you are in charge of other people, you have to act with a clear mind and keep everyone else calm. When you choose to be a leader, a boss, a mentor you do not get to react the same way as others anymore and you had better be prepared.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
Self-awareness: In order to be successful all bases must be covered from inventory to technology to HR and public relations. All parts of running a business must be in good working order and I am no technology guru. I can hardly turn on my phone, and please do not ask me how to log into anything that’s not automatically saved. However, when I learned my strengths and weaknesses and was honest with myself I could pinpoint where I needed help. I learned that not being good at something is not a failure, but I would need to seek out someone who was good at that and bring them on board. Leaders must be willing to learn from others and surround myself with people who are strong where they are not. My husband and I are a good picture of this. I have mentioned that I am technology illiterate but my husband, when push came to shove, spent all nighters learning how to code and developed our backend in order to make Legacy Bundles happen.
Humility: It is very easy to let ego get in the way. Being a leader is seldom easy and often requires a tough demeanor to the public. But those leaders who are willing to listen to others and draw on their knowledge and willingness to adjust will be more successful in the long run. I thankfully learned this early on but often fail at implementing it in the moment. We were opening Axe Ventura in Ann Arbor and the naive me had this grand vision that we would throw some targets up and be operating within a month-HA-HA. That is not how it works at all in large cities. We spent hours navigating the commercial real estate world and then having to navigate building zoning and construction. I was able to walk into the city building and get connected with a lady that at first rubbed me the wrong way. I would soon learn that putting those feelings aside and by listening to her years of experience she would be instrumental in our ability to open our doors.
Determination: Anthony calls us each other’s “battle buddies”. Operating a business is not for the faint of heart. So many people look at the end results and want “that”. However, people often have no idea what it took to get there and/or are unwilling to do what it took. We were willing to put our money where our mouths were, to put in the long hours then to have freedom now. But there were days it would have been easier to throw in the towel, and that is when Anthony and I lean on each other to keep going.
The fall of 2020 is a great example of this in our lives. Anthony was a full time student at the University of Michigan and I was working full time as a nanny. We were currently operating our Ann Arbor location and had signed a lease to open another location 1.5 hours south of Ann Arbor. We also were in the middle of infertility care and I had a major surgery. On Friday nights we would get the Ann Arbor location running and make sure they were ready. We would then load 3 large dogs into a car and drive the 1.5 hours to our new location and work until 11pm. We slept on a mattress in the middle of this dirty, dusty, commercial space with the dogs. Saturday construction would start at 9am and go until 10pm concluding with another overnight. Sunday we started at 9 am and worked until 6 or 7 pm and then would load everyone back into the car returning to Ann Arbor where our week would start all over. This pattern lasted several months. And there were days that when it was time to make the drive I wanted to throw in the towel and sit on the couch to binge a show. But our end result was worth it and I would do it all again.
Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that might help people?
Legacy Bundles is our main focus. We have really taken our time creating this program through the eyes of the user. We want this to be a system that is helpful on all fronts, financially, timewise, and environmentally. Our one-for-one kids clothing swaps accomplish this. Our Bundles allow parents to swap out their kids unwanted/outgrown clean clothes for ones that fit. Legacy Bundles makes this process easy, taking place from the comfort of your home and has free shipping. Our Bundles swap out 30 items at a time for $39, that is $1.30 an item. The same amount of clothes at consignment would cost well over $100 and if shopping all new would be $350+. Legacy Bundles is simple, go to our website Bundleswap.com and select bundle. Once you have done that follow the prompts to choose what items to get in return. You will be mailed a bag to fill and send back. We review items and hand curate a bundle to be sent back based off of your information. It is that easy. Legacy Bundles is also keeping sustainability in mind everything from warehouse set up to packaging. Textiles make up 7% of landfill debris and we aim to make a positive impact on that.
Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview. What pivotal moment led you to dedicate your career to sustainability, and how has that shaped your approach to environmental challenges?
To be honest I can not look back and point to a single moment, I really have lived a life preparing me for this.I come from a family of people that want to help, people that want to change the world. My father is a minister and my mom retired from a career in education. I come by my need to “do my part” honestly. However, most of us will lead very “normal” lives. I most likely will not be on a national stage giving a TED Talk on a world changing invention I created. I most likely won’t be able to independently solve world hunger. However, knowing this doesn’t make me want to stop trying to make the world a better place. I just want to leave it a little better than how I found it. We found a problem that parents were facing and designed a company that would truly be a blessing to them. And we took it a step further, it can also be a blessing to the planet. 7% of waste is textiles Legacy Bundles is reinventing how we clothe kids and keeping those items out of the land fill that are old and forgotten, giving them new life with new kids.
Could you describe a groundbreaking project or initiative you’ve been involved in that significantly contributed to sustainability?
Groundbreaking, NO. We are like so many other people who are just finding a way to contribute what we can. We are fortunate that Legacy Bundles is groundbreaking as a concept and by so many participating in a little way through us we can make a large impact together.
How do you navigate the balance between economic growth and environmental preservation in your sustainability strategies?
We have a saying “Do good business and business will be good to you”. We take this to heart and implement it in all our decisions. We cut our margins because we want this to help parents. We invested 3 times as much in our tech to make the experience better for consumers. We use eco-friendly shipping even though it costs more. All because we believe these sacrifices are necessary for Legacy Bundles to bless the masses and we believe it will pay off in the long run. We also know at the end of our time we will have left a legacy not only for our children but a positive impact on the planet and that is worth more to us.
What emerging technologies or innovations do you believe hold the most promise for advancing sustainability and why?
As I have mentioned I am not an expert in the field of technology and make sure to surround myself with those more well versed than I. To be honest I am not sure the answer to sustainability is in technology. I do think that we have made great strides in technology but I actually think the key to really impacting the planet in a positive way lies within humans. I think that if humanity could put aside its differences and focus on leaving a positive mark on the planet they could accomplish more in 5 years than technology could in 10. This starts in each person’s home, recycling, getting away from unnecessary plastics and utilizing systems like ours. Making use of what we already have.

Based on your research or experience, can you please share your “5 Top Strategies for a Cleaner Planet”?
1 . Reduce- We are a civilization that constantly thinks we need more. We are starting to see a generation that is minimalist. If we could realize we do not need multiples of everything we would drastically cut back on using the planet’s resources unnecessarily. Legacy Bundles is groundbreaking in a new way to keep up with kids clothing allowing for style and season changes but without having to have all the stored totes.
2 . Recycle- People coming together and allowing the items we already have to be “recycled” I am not talking about the plastic going to a recycling center, however this is equally as important. I am addressing the fact that we as consumers constantly buy when we may be able to barrow or share. An example we personally dealt with this summer was when our AC unit went out in the heat. We very easily could have purchased several window units to hold us over, they are rather cheap nowadays. However, that seemed like a waist and we chose to barrow from family and friends. Legacy Bundles is designed in a way to allow us to use the same strategy when dealing with kids’ clothes.
3 . Self- Awareness- You have heard me touch on this before but I believe it is that important and is a huge factor in our society. We need to take time to look at how we are living and where we individually can make small changes. If each person made small changes those would all add up. Take AC for example if everyone set a smart thermostat to fluctuate during hours when they are home versus sleeping. This would drastically add up and have a huge positive impact. Legacy Bundles in solidarity won’t fix planet issues. But if each person was self aware of what they truly needed for kids’ clothes we could make large impacts together. We can cut down on pollution from manufacturers along with waste going to landfill. All while staying current on style, never needing for more and staying within budgets. Seems like a win win win.
4 . Dedication- Nothing worth doing comes easy. There will be no overnight easy fixes. We will all need to do what we can with understanding every little bit counts. There will be times that doing our part is not easy or convenient but the long term outweighs the work- but this again takes each person committing to doing the work every day.
5 . Organization- This again rests on the individual’s shoulders in order for us to actually see change. But this also needs to be demonstrated from the top down. The government should give tax breaks to companies using recycled materials such as packing boxes. Playground creators should get tax breaks for using recycled tires. The government should have systems in place to help companies organize their processes to leave positive footprints. In our homes we need systems, they don’t have to be elaborate, just functional. It could be a recycling bin in the garage or a kids alliance coming from cutting down boxes for recycling or organizing a community garden. We recommend for Legacy Bundles a small laundry basket in the laundry room and as you pull clothes from the dryer if they no longer fit throw them into the basket and mail in when you get 30. Systems keep us organized and help to see goals obtained.
In your view, what are the key steps individuals, communities, and governments need to take to achieve a more sustainable future?
Individuals need to find small realistic ways to help and be dedicated to doing those.
Communities need to work together pulling on each other’s strengths. Community gardens where many hands make light work. Allowing less pesticides to enter our water tables and cutting back on chemicals we ingest.
Governments need to evaluate the objective clearly — if it’s to reduce waste or “go green” look at the stumbling factors in getting there, most of the time the financial stumbling blocks are huge. Then create a plan, I believe tax breaks for those companies who make the change to be green is a starting point. We get so caught up in what we could do that often action is lacking. Start taking action no matter how small and then pinpoint places that need adjustments and make changes. Then do more. But we need to just start, take the first step.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)
I believe that Legacy Bundles is the movement for me. This will be my legacy I leave behind. I want to have a household name with a reputation for being a company designed for the customer. That we really put their needs first. We have thought our business through in a way that not only provides good paying jobs but a product that is desirable. We want to fulfill the need for more cost effective kids clothes while maintaining high standards. And not only have we been able to do all of that but we also have created a company that is helping the planet. This is my movement and my passion.
What is the best way for our readers to continue to follow your work online?
We can be found at bundleswap.com or on all of the social media platforms under Legacy Bundles.
This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.
About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at CrunchyMamaBox.com.