Women In Wellness: Jennifer Joy Jimenez Of Brave Thinking Institute On Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

Women In Wellness: Jennifer Joy Jimenez Of Brave Thinking Institute On Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

You Are Your Best Investment There were times early on when I hesitated to invest in myself — whether it was coaching, wellness practices, or personal growth. I thought I could figure everything out on my own. Now, I know that investing in yourself is the best decision you can make. When you prioritize your own growth, well-being, and learning, it amplifies your ability to serve others. It’s not selfish; it’s essential for long-term success. The return on investment when it comes to your personal growth is immeasurable.

Today, more than ever, wellness is at the forefront of societal discussions. From mental health to physical well-being, women are making significant strides in bringing about change, introducing innovative solutions, and setting new standards. Despite facing unique challenges, they break barriers, inspire communities, and are reshaping the very definition of health and wellness. In this series called women in wellness we are talking to women doctors, nurses, nutritionists, therapists, fitness trainers, researchers, health experts, coaches, and other wellness professionals to share their stories and insights. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Jiménez.

Jennifer Jiménez is Founder of the Health & Well-Being Division at Brave Thinking Institute, as well as a highly sought-after speaker, consultant, trainer and coach.

Through her transformational retreats, workshops and cutting-edge Vibrant Healthy Woman Program, Jennifer has coached thousands worldwide to become more confident, healthy, joyful, abundant and full of life, so that they feel fully empowered to make the difference they are here to make in the world.

Jennifer has been featured in publications like Self, Shape, Oxygen and Woman’s World, and on TV on Fox Business, NBC News and more. In addition, she’s shared the stage with thought leaders Marianne Williamson, Maya Angelou, Byron Katie, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and others.

She’s also the creator of the highly acclaimed transformative movement modality TranscenDance™️, helping people of all ages and backgrounds world-wide, move stuck energy, dance their dreams into reality, and truly thrive with joy and vitality in their body temple!

With more than two decades of expertise in authentic, heart-centered sales, Jennifer is also the co-founder of “Conversations That Close,” the 7-step System for the Successful Enrollment Conversation. She loves supporting purpose-driven, difference-makers to sell with greater ease and achieve extraordinary results! Over $100 million in sales can be attributed to this powerful, proven, heart-centered sales system.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

Myjourney began as a former professional modern dancer who hung up her dance shoes when I became a mother. I left behind the bohemian lifestyle to take on the “responsible” role of becoming the steady breadwinner for my family, and I moved into corporate sales. But whether I was dancing on stage or sitting in an office cubicle, I lived with an internal battle — struggling with my self-confidence, my relationship with my body, and my ability to accept myself.

For decades, I felt trapped in the rigid culture of fitness and dieting. As a professional dancer, the thinner you were, the better it was supposed to be. No matter how hard I worked, I never felt good enough. I was constantly bombarded with thoughts of judgment and insecurity. This cycle of self-criticism was relentless, fueled by the societal pressure to be thin and perfect. It wasn’t just my self-worth that was suffering — this inner turmoil took a toll on every aspect of my life.

My marriage was on the rocks, I was a cranky mom, and my health was deteriorating. Intimacy became an obligation, and there was no spark left. I was constantly barking orders at my kids, overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. I felt burnt out, disconnected from my true self, and utterly exhausted. I was putting everyone else’s needs before my own, and it left me feeling stuck in a relentless cycle of unhappiness. But deep down, I knew I was meant for more.

At my lowest point — sleep deprived, stressed, and desperate for change — I attended a three-day women’s retreat led by my mother, world-renowned thought leader Mary Morrissey, founder of the Brave Thinking Institute. While at the retreat, I was given the opportunity to lead a conscious dance session for the other women. In that moment, something inside me awakened. As I guided the women through uninhibited, soulful movement, I reconnected with my own passion and purpose. I had a profound, transcendental experience that became a wake-up call from my higher self.

I knew I had to make a radical change. When I returned home, I quit my job without a safety net, feeling like I was diving off the Grand Canyon blindfolded. I had no plan, but I knew I couldn’t keep living the way I was. Here’s the thing — when I went looking for the tools I needed to turn my life around, they didn’t exist all in one place. I had to piece them together for myself. Through trial and error, I transformed my life from the inside out. I started investing in my own healing, working with transformational coaches, and I pieced together the tools I needed to rebuild my life. My focus was on healing myself first and creating a personal transformation that aligned with my true purpose.

As I began to heal, I became more vibrant and radiant. My relationship with food transformed — food became my friend and fuel, not a source of punishment. I started moving my body for the joy and freedom of it, not just to burn calories.

As I transformed my life, women began to come to me asking for help. They wanted to know how I had made such a dramatic shift. The results were undeniable. My energy returned, my confidence grew, and for the first time in years, I felt truly alive in my body. As I transformed, women around me took notice. They asked, “What’s your secret?” I knew then that I was meant to lead, to be a difference maker, and to help other women experience the same transformation I had.

And so, I developed my signature Vibrant Healthy Woman program — a holistic approach that empowers women to reclaim their health, confidence, and happiness by nurturing their mind, body, and spirit. It’s a proven trifecta blending health & wellbeing science, with the spiritual side of wellbeing. And the secret sauce of my work is my conscious dance modality, TranscenDance™ where I guide women to break free from the soul-sucking ‘no pain, no gain’ fitness routines and toxic diet culture that leave so many feeling inadequate. Instead, I offer wellness practices that center on joy, freedom, unshakable confidence, and deep self-love. It’s a new path — one that honors the whole woman and fosters lasting transformation.

Today, as the Director of the Health and Well-Being Division at the Brave Thinking Institute, I’m living my mission every day, helping women create vibrant, healthy lives full of passion, purpose, and freedom. I’ve become a multi-million-dollar entrepreneur, celebrating 29 years of marriage to my Soul mate, and raising three incredible children, who are all now over 18.

I’ve helped thousands of women around the world reclaim their power and transform their lives. My mission is to show women that they don’t have to live chained to food rules, fitness trackers, or the toxic expectations of diet culture. There is a better way — a way to thrive in every aspect of life, from health to relationships to career, by embracing wellness practices that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.

If the reader feels called to reclaim their energy, confidence, health and life, step into their power, and transform not just their body, but their entire world, then reading this article is not a random occurrence. The article might be the doorway to the solution. They deserve to feel radiantly alive, confident, and free. And I certainly can help show the way.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

One of the most interesting and transformative moments in my career happened in the year 2000, during a conscious dance workshop I was leading. A woman named Sharon approached me, holding her right shoulder in visible pain. She explained that she had a locked shoulder and had seen 17 different medical professionals over the last six months, but none of them had been able to help. She was hesitant to participate in the workshop, fearing her pain would prevent her from fully engaging.

I shared with her something that has become a core philosophy in my work: “Our issues live in our tissues.” I told her that her body held the wisdom it needed to heal itself, if only she could trust it and treat her pain as a sacred spiritual teacher.

With that, the workshop began. I guided the group through deep breathing and uninhibited movement, encouraging them to listen to their bodies, release stuck energy, and let go of whatever no longer served them. At the end of the class, Sharon came back to me, tears streaming down her face but smiling. She lifted her right arm above her shoulder for the first time in six months. The look of sheer relief and joy on her face was unforgettable.

This moment reaffirmed what I’ve always known in my heart: that the body is incredibly wise and, when given the space to release, can heal in powerful ways. Sharon’s story, though just one among thousands I’ve encountered, taught me that healing isn’t always found in conventional medicine. Sometimes, it’s found in movement, music, and reconnecting with the body’s natural rhythms.

The main problem I see in modern medicine is that most western medical doctors prescribe a pill for every ill the first chance they get. And yet, people have been using music and dance as medicine for thousands of years. And modern science is finally catching up. Here’s some very impressive recent research on this topic.

New England Journal of Medicine Study: A 21-year study published by the New England Journal of Medicine found that dance increased mental acuity and reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 76%. This research highlights the profound impact dance can have on long-term brain health.

National Institute of Health (NIH) on Osteoporosis: Dance has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis. Movement in dance stimulates bone health, improving overall strength and reducing the risk of bone loss, which is crucial as we age.

Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior Study: This research found that conscious dance provided mental health benefits in 98% of participants, improving emotional well-being, reducing stress, and increasing joy and self-love.

Release of Happy Hormones: Research shows that just a few minutes of music and dance can release a cascade of “happy hormones” such as serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. These hormones help reduce stress and provide a natural high, supporting emotional and mental well-being.

UCLA Conscious Dance Study: Students who participated in conscious dance at UCLA reported decreased stress and improvements in health, joy, and self-love. This confirms the wide-ranging benefits of combining movement with mindfulness practices like conscious dance.

The main lesson I took from this experience — and what I teach today — is that healing isn’t just physical. It’s emotional, mental, and spiritual. By codifying the TranscenDance™ modality, I have been able to witness countless people unlock this healing potential. Music and dance are profound forms of medicine, capable of releasing pain, depression, and stress, while fostering joy, freedom, and self-love.

Sharon’s transformation, and those like hers, continually remind me why I’m on this mission: to show people the incredible healing power they hold within their own bodies. And it’s why I’m so passionate about offering TranscenDance™ as a tool for everyone seeking true, holistic wellness.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When I was first starting out, I made the mistake of believing that in order to stay in shape and feel healthy, I had to go all in — whether it was a 90-minute yoga class or a two-hour dance session. I thought that if I couldn’t dedicate long stretches of time to my fitness, it wasn’t worth doing at all. I was overworking and under-resting, constantly pushing myself to the limit, trying to achieve this ideal version of health. I was locked into an all-or-nothing mindset, which eventually led me to burnout.

It was only after years of exhaustion that I realized this approach was not sustainable. One day, I was too tired to commit to a long workout, but I decided to move my body for just a few minutes instead — what I now call “the 5-minute power move.” I danced around the room for five minutes, did a few stretches, and instantly felt better.

Over time, I started to notice that these small bursts of movement added up and were incredibly effective. What I learned is that a little goes a long way. In fact, recent studies show that short, intentional periods of movement — science is calling movement or exercise snacks — can be more beneficial for long-term health than pushing yourself through intense, extended workouts. It’s all about consistency and listening to your body.

The biggest lesson I took from this experience is that harmony, not hustle, should be the goal. It’s about living and working at the “pace of grace,” where I honor my body’s needs, incorporate movement throughout my day, and prioritize rest just as much as action. It’s the balance between effort and ease that leads to true well-being. And now, I get to help others realize that they don’t need to exhaust themselves to be healthy. It’s about integrating mindful movement into everyday life and finding joy in it, rather than treating it like a chore.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

The work I do in health and wellness is about more than helping individuals achieve personal transformation — it’s about shifting the paradigm of how we, as a society, approach well-being. My mission is to redefine health and wellness to include not just the physical body, but also the mind, emotions, and spirit. This holistic approach allows people to experience true freedom, joy, and unshakable confidence in every aspect of their lives.

Through my Vibrant Healthy Woman program, my conscious dance modality TranscenDance™, and the work I do as Director of the Health and Well-Being Division at Brave Thinking Institute, I am helping to create a ripple effect of transformation that reaches beyond the individual. When a woman fully steps into her power, embracing her health and wholeness, she becomes a beacon of light in her family, community, and even in her workplace. She models what is possible, showing others that it’s not only okay to take care of themselves — it’s essential.

One of the most impactful aspects of my work is TranscenDance™, which I developed to help people break free from the toxic “no pain, no gain” fitness culture that so many have been trapped in for years. With TranscenDance™, we’ve reintroduced the idea that movement can be a joyful, healing experience. It’s a space where people can move their bodies for fun, release trapped emotions, and experience healing on a deep cellular level. This is not only healing for individuals but for our culture at large — especially for women who have been told for too long that their bodies aren’t good enough.

Additionally, the research backing up the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of conscious dance and joyful movement is undeniable. Science is now proving what ancient cultures have known for centuries — movement and music are powerful medicine. The studies I share on the release of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and the long-term benefits of dance for brain health and mental acuity are bringing the scientific world into alignment with these holistic practices. This is helping to shift wellness conversations from rigid fitness and diet plans toward practices that nourish the entire being.

The global impact of my work comes from how it empowers women (and men) to break free from the shackles of perfectionism, self-judgment, and body shame. Instead of being stuck in a cycle of deprivation, fear, and guilt around food and exercise, they are reclaiming their health on their own terms. They’re learning to trust their bodies, to move for joy, and to nourish themselves holistically. When we do this, we not only heal ourselves — we create a healthier, more vibrant world for everyone around us.

Through my online programs, live workshops, and certified TranscenDance™ facilitators, I’ve reached tens of thousands of people across the globe, and the work continues to grow. Every time one person chooses to thrive instead of merely survive, they send out a ripple of positive change. My ultimate goal is to see a world where people live in alignment with their highest selves, fully embracing their health, well-being, and personal power — and that’s how we create a healthier, more joyful world for all.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing?

  1. Movement Snacks: The Power of Small, Consistent Actions For the longest time, I believed that in order to maintain my health, I needed to dedicate long, intense workout sessions. It was all or nothing — either a 90-minute yoga class or a two-hour dance session, or I felt I wasn’t doing enough. Over time, I learned that “movement snacks” — short bursts of movement throughout the day — are actually more beneficial than you might think. Research now shows that small, intentional periods of movement can boost metabolism, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. A five-minute dance break or a quick walk around the block can make a huge difference in how you feel. The lesson? A little goes a long way.
  2. Embrace Joyful Movement Instead of Punishment One of the most significant transformations in my life came when I shifted my mindset around exercise. I used to view fitness as something I “had” to do — punishment for eating or a way to achieve an unrealistic standard of beauty. But once I began practicing conscious dance, movement became a source of joy, freedom, and expression. I stopped exercising to burn calories and started moving because it made me feel alive. This shift changed my relationship with my body, and now I teach others to move for joy and liberation. It’s a complete reframe of the way we approach fitness.
  3. Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom Our bodies are constantly giving us signals about what they need — whether it’s rest, nourishment, movement, or emotional care. When I was overworked and under-rested, I would push through fatigue and ignore the signs my body was giving me. I learned that when you listen to your body, it will guide you toward wellness. Instead of waiting until you’re burnt out to make a change, tune in daily. Small adjustments — like getting more sleep, drinking water, or pausing for breath — can have a profound impact on your health.
  4. Prioritize Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment Well-being isn’t just physical. True wellness includes the mind and spirit as well. I’ve found that when I integrate practices that align all three — like meditation, journaling, or conscious dance — I feel more centered, resilient, and empowered. One example is how I incorporate breathing exercises into my daily routine. Just a few minutes of focused, deep breathing can lower stress and help me stay grounded, no matter how busy the day gets.
  5. Living at the “Pace of Grace” Early in my career, I pushed myself relentlessly, believing that success required constant hustle. But over time, I discovered that living at the “pace of grace” is the key to sustainable success. This means honoring the natural rhythms of life, knowing when to push forward and when to pause, and allowing things to flow rather than forcing them. When you live in harmony with your body and life’s timing, everything becomes more fluid, and you’re able to accomplish more with less effort.

These lifestyle tweaks are simple but powerful. They’ve not only transformed my life but also the lives of thousands of women through my Vibrant Healthy Woman program. The journey to well-being is about finding balance, listening to your body, and embracing joy every day.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If I could start a movement that would bring the most wellness to the most people, it would be a global movement of joyful, embodied living — one where people reconnect with their bodies, embrace movement as medicine, and live in alignment with their mind, body, and spirit. This movement would center around the philosophy that well-being isn’t about perfection or rigid rules; it’s about tuning into the wisdom of your body, nourishing your spirit, and moving through life with joy and freedom.

At the heart of this movement would be conscious dance, specifically through my TranscenDance™ modality, where individuals could experience movement as a source of liberation and healing. Imagine communities across the world coming together to dance, not to “work out” or achieve some external ideal, but to celebrate their bodies, release stress, and feel alive. This movement would break free from the toxic cycles of diet culture and “no pain, no gain” mentalities, and instead foster self-love, emotional healing, and authentic self-expression through movement.

The movement would also emphasize the power of short, mindful practices — whether it’s movement snacks, breathing exercises, or meditation — that help people integrate wellness into their daily lives without feeling overwhelmed. These small, accessible changes can create massive ripple effects in individual lives and entire communities.

I believe that when we make wellness joyful, easy, and inclusive, we allow people to reclaim their power. This movement would empower individuals to embrace their health on their terms, while inspiring a collective shift towards a more vibrant, compassionate, and joyful world. Imagine a planet where everyone moves through life with grace, freedom, and an unshakable sense of well-being — that’s the movement I want to create.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

1. You Don’t Have to Do It All at Once When I first started, I believed I had to achieve everything quickly and perfectly. This mentality led to burnout because I was trying to manage it all — family, career, and my personal well-being — without allowing room for grace. I wish someone had told me that success isn’t a sprint; it’s a journey. Over time, I learned that pacing yourself, trusting the process, and allowing things to unfold naturally will not only make you more effective but also more joyful in your work. Which leadws to the last point on this first tip and that’s to allow yourself to enjoy the process and have fun along the way.

2. Rest Is Productive In the beginning, I thought that if I wasn’t working, I was wasting time. It took me years to understand that rest is not only productive, but essential. I’ve since embraced the principle of working at the “pace of grace,” where rest is an integral part of my schedule. I’ve seen firsthand that when I rest, I’m more creative, more energized, and better able to serve others. Rest is not the enemy of productivity; it’s the foundation of sustainable success.

3. You Are Your Best Investment There were times early on when I hesitated to invest in myself — whether it was coaching, wellness practices, or personal growth. I thought I could figure everything out on my own. Now, I know that investing in yourself is the best decision you can make. When you prioritize your own growth, well-being, and learning, it amplifies your ability to serve others. It’s not selfish; it’s essential for long-term success. The return on investment when it comes to your personal growth is immeasurable.

4. Perfection Is the Enemy of Progress For too long, I believed everything had to be perfect before I could launch a program, share a new idea, or put myself out there. What I’ve learned is that perfection is a myth, and waiting for things to be perfect will only hold you back. Progress happens when you take bold, imperfect action. The world doesn’t need you to be perfect — it needs you to be authentic, vulnerable, and willing to show up as you are. So if it’s a 7 out of 10, go with it.

5. Build a Tribe, Don’t Go It Alone Early in my career, I thought I had to do everything on my own to prove my worth. I wish someone had told me how vital it is to build a supportive tribe around you. Whether it’s mentors, a team, or like-minded business owners, surrounding yourself with people who lift you up will fast-track your success and bring you more fulfillment along the way. Collaboration and community are where the real magic happens — don’t try to be a lone wolf.

Each of these lessons has shaped the way I approach both my business and my life. I now share these insights with other women so they can thrive without falling into the same traps I did. There’s so much power in learning from others’ experiences, and I hope these lessons inspire others to create a more balanced, joyful path toward success.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health, and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

The cause that’s dearest to my heart is mental health because, at its core, it affects every aspect of our lives — from our personal well-being to how we show up in the world, to our ability to create positive change. Mental health is the foundation upon which everything else is built. When we nurture our mental and emotional well-being, we can better care for the environment, make more conscious decisions around sustainability and veganism, and approach challenges with resilience and creativity.

In my work, I’ve witnessed how profoundly mental health impacts women, in particular. Many of us are conditioned to prioritize everyone else’s needs over our own, leading to burnout, stress, and disconnection from our true selves. When we’re not mentally or emotionally well, it affects how we relate to our bodies, our families, and even the planet. That’s why I believe healing starts within.

Through practices like TranscenDance™, which I created to help people release stuck emotions, reconnect with their bodies, and rediscover joy, I’ve seen the powerful effects of movement on mental health. When we address our mental and emotional health holistically — integrating the mind, body, and spirit — we can begin to break free from the patterns that keep us feeling stuck or overwhelmed. We also open ourselves up to live more aligned, intentional lives, where we’re able to contribute positively to causes like environmental sustainability and animal welfare.

Mental health is not just about surviving — it’s about thriving. And when we thrive as individuals, we have the capacity to extend that same energy outward, toward the planet and all living beings. It’s why I believe mental health is the most urgent cause we can champion, as it’s the catalyst for all the other important changes we want to see in the world.

What is the best way for our readers to further follow your work online?

To come and TranscenDance™ with me you can visit www.transcendance.com / and you can get a FREE CLASS by clicking on the green “register for the next class” button and use the free coupon code = freeclass

I also offer a FREE Confidence Kit Here = https://www.bravethinkinginstitute.com/health-wellbeing/resources/vhw/mag/confidence-kit

Thank you for these fantastic insights! We wish you continued success and good health.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at CrunchyMamaBox.com.

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