Women In Wellness: Christy Nault Of MicroFlow On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

Women In Wellness: Christy Nault Of MicroFlow On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing


You live in a slow cooker body in a microwave society. Quick fixes always come with consequences. True healing happens with time, consistency and 1% daily shifts.

Today, more than ever, wellness is at the forefront of societal discussions. From mental health to physical well-being, women are making significant strides in bringing about change, introducing innovative solutions, and setting new standards. Despite facing unique challenges, they break barriers, inspire communities, and are reshaping the very definition of health and wellness. In this series called women in wellness we are talking to women doctors, nurses, nutritionists, therapists, fitness trainers, researchers, health experts, coaches, and other wellness professionals to share their stories and insights. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Christy Nault.

Christy Nault is a Root Cause Health Practitioner and Educator, Breathwork Facilitator, Plant Medicine expert and CEO & Founder of MicroFlow, a groundbreaking microdosing supplement brand. She is also the creator of Hormone Glow Up and Rewired, acclaimed programs that guide women to take back their health by addressing root causes. Known as the “Angelic Disruptor”, Christy brings over 16 years of expertise to the holistic healing space and is one of the most respected voices in the industry. Known for her groundbreaking approach, she integrates physiological, structural, subconscious, emotional, and spiritual healing to help women heal their chronic symptoms. Christy has guided over ten thousand women including celebrities, athletes and influencers from chronic illness to vibrant health, empowering them to reclaim their innate self-healing abilities. Christy’s work bridges the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing, offering a multidimensional approach unlike anything found in conventional or functional medicine.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

Ican’t share my story without taking you all the way back to my earliest years. When I was just three years old, my brother suffered a devastating vaccine injury that profoundly changed the trajectory of my life and shaped the woman I’ve become today. He developed one of the most severe cases of epilepsy doctors had ever encountered. Despite 13 failed brain surgeries, countless experimental medications, and years of medical gaslighting, his condition only worsened. The heartbreak that engulfed our family was indescribable.

As a child, my way of coping was to strive for perfection. I believed that if I could just be “good enough,” I wouldn’t add any extra weight to the immense burden my parents were carrying. Straight A’s and excelling in sports became my armor, but that drive for perfectionism quickly spiraled into a severe battle with anorexia. I spent my formative years malnourished, overworked, and trapped in a mental prison of fear and self-imposed pressure. It was a pattern that eventually paved the way for the chronic illnesses I developed later in life.

When my brother passed away in my early twenties, my body reached its breaking point. Within months, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, autoimmunity, Lyme disease, and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). At the time, I was already working in the holistic health space, but the traditional tools I had leaned on — like healthy diets, workouts, juice cleanses, and supplements — weren’t enough. They barely scratched the surface of what my body, mind, and soul truly needed to heal.

What I didn’t realize then was that my illnesses were an initiation — a doorway to discovering the profound truths I now teach. Healing, I came to understand, is never just physical. It requires us to dig deep into the emotional and spiritual roots of why we became unwell in the first place. For me, that meant addressing decades of nervous system dysregulation, unresolved trauma, and deeply buried subconscious wounds. I discovered that these are the forces at the root of every chronic illness, and true vitality requires us to embrace our multidimensional nature as humans.

My journey wasn’t just about overcoming illness — it was about coming home to the truth of my essence before all the pain, shame and programming. Over the past 15 years, I’ve dedicated my life to teaching women across the globe how to break free from cycles of illness and disconnection and how to reconnect with their innate self-healing superpowers through my unique root cause healing methodology. It’s so much more than healing — it’s liberation.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

A lot of people know me for my multidimensional parasite cleansing methods, which are a cornerstone of my root cause healing protocols. But what truly shaped my understanding of parasites — and ultimately my career — was a transformative experience about a decade ago.

At that time, I was navigating a deeply challenging period, often referred to as a ‘dark night of the soul.’ Feeling stuck and weighed down, I turned to a trusted energy healer for support. During our session, I spent 90 minutes on her table crying, releasing, cutting cords, and transmuting layers of deeply seated fear that had been stored in my body. It was an incredibly profound and cathartic experience.

What happened afterward shocked me. When I returned home, I felt a sudden and intense urge to use the bathroom. To my astonishment, I passed thousands of dead worms. I wasn’t on a parasite cleanse, wasn’t taking any herbs, and hadn’t been following a detox protocol. This left me with a burning question: how could an energetic release like this result in such a profound physical response?

From that moment, my perspective shifted entirely. I began to deeply investigate the emotional and energetic factors behind parasite overgrowth. I realized that parasites are drawn not only to physical toxicity — like mold, heavy metals, and environmental pollutants — but also to emotional toxicity, such as unprocessed trauma and fear. This connection became increasingly evident in my work; clients with the heaviest parasitic infections often carried significant emotional wounds, particularly from childhood trauma.

This experience completely revolutionized how I approached my practice. I no longer viewed parasite cleansing as solely a physical process. Instead, I developed a multidimensional protocol that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual roots of parasitic overgrowths. This integrative approach has since helped over 10,000 women heal chronic symptoms and reclaim their health.

The biggest takeaway from this pivotal moment was this: true healing is not just about killing and cleansing. To create lasting change, we must also address the underlying factors that make our bodies hospitable to parasites in the first place. By looking beyond the physical and incorporating emotional and spiritual healing, we can unlock deeper transformation.

This philosophy has sparked a movement in the holistic health space — one that bridges the gap between physical and emotional healing — and it continues to inspire my work every day.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

My greatest mistake in my journey as a holistic practitioner was falling into the trap of vegan propaganda. Like many, I was conditioned to believe that a plant-based diet was not only better for our health but also for the environment. Over time, I discovered that this narrative was far from the truth.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned — and now often share — is that our bodies don’t run on thin air. To function optimally, regenerate cells and tissues, and feel safe enough to heal, we must be deeply nourished. Unfortunately, long-term veganism left me severely undernourished and drove my body into a deeper state of stress and illness. Recovering from the damage took years, but it also gave me invaluable insight.

This experience helped me understand the undeniable importance of high-quality, nutrient-dense, animal-based foods. Regeneratively sourced red meat, eggs, and butter are among the most healing superfoods we have access to. They provide the essential building blocks — like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids — that our bodies need for true healing and regeneration.

This journey also opened my eyes to the false dietary narratives perpetuated by industries that profit from our ongoing sickness and survival mode. It was a profound awakening that helped me realize the importance of unlearning these wellness myths to achieve real healing.

While this mistake cost me my own health for a time, it has allowed me to connect more deeply with women who have walked the same path. It has also enhanced my ability to guide clients and students through the overwhelming diet information out there, helping them discern what truly nourishes their bodies.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

The work I do in health and wellness is rooted in the belief that healing the body is the key to unlocking our fullest potential. Many people underestimate how much mental real estate becomes available when they’re no longer preoccupied with feeling unwell. When the mind isn’t consumed by discomfort, low energy, or digestive struggles, it becomes free to focus on creativity, connection, and living a deeply fulfilling life.

This is why I emphasize cellular healing — it’s the foundation of true health and vitality. By clearing the toxic load that blocks us physically, emotionally, and spiritually, we create space for infinite potential, clarity, and possibilities to emerge. Healing at this level allows us to fully experience liberation, freedom, and abundance. As I often say, cellular health is wealth.

Through my revolutionary root cause healing protocols, I guide people in upgrading the technology of their cells. This work goes beyond addressing symptoms; it’s about creating a body that feels safe and stable enough to allow us to connect with our highest selves and step into our purpose. It’s in this state that we remember the creator consciousness within us — the part of us capable of designing and living our dream life.

My work is not just about helping individuals heal; it’s about creating a ripple effect. When people feel well, they can show up more fully for themselves, their families, and their communities. They are free to live their version of heaven on earth. That’s the bigger impact I aim to make — helping others thrive so they can, in turn, elevate the collective.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing?

1) Every cell in the body needs to know what time it is to function optimally, and this is determined by syncing our circadian rhythm with our local environment. The one essential nutrient our cells require to ‘tell time’ is LIGHT. Optimizing circadian biology is foundational to great health, and it starts with embracing brighter days and darker nights. To support your circadian rhythm, spend more time outside in natural sunlight and minimize exposure to artificial light at night. Start your day by stepping outside upon waking, regardless of the weather, to get unfiltered sunlight directly into your eyes — no glasses, contacts, or sunglasses. Ideally, aim to get outside at sunrise, high noon, and sunset, but simply increasing your time outdoors is a great start.

At night, avoid harsh overhead lights in your home after sunset. Switch to red light bulbs in lamps to create a dim, calming environment, and wear blue-blocking glasses if you need to use screens or devices. These small adjustments can have a profound impact on your sleep, energy levels, and overall wellbeing.

2) Maintaining stable blood sugar is essential for metabolic health, hormone balance, mental clarity, sustained energy, and focus. One of the most effective ways to support this is by prioritizing at least 30 grams of high-quality animal protein at each meal and avoiding ‘naked carbs.’ Naked carbs are carbohydrates eaten without being paired with protein and/or fat — even healthy carbs like fruit fall into this category. For example, common ‘healthy’ breakfasts like oatmeal, avocado toast, or fruit smoothies are often sugar bombs that set us up to ride a blood sugar rollercoaster the rest of the day. When we eat carbs without a balancing macronutrient, our blood sugar spikes rapidly and then crashes just as fast. These crashes signal an emergency to the body, triggering a flood of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This blood sugar instability can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, shakiness, heart palpitations, sugar cravings, mood swings, PMS, menstrual and reproductive issues, weight loss resistance, acne, histamine intolerance, and more. By curating meals that are protein-forward and pairing carbs with protein and fat, we can stabilize blood sugar and resolve many persistent health issues. It’s a simple yet powerful shift that provides immense benefits for both physical and emotional wellbeing.

3) Drinking plain water might actually be keeping you dehydrated! Minerals are essential for pulling water into our cells, ensuring proper hydration and optimal body function. Without them, water simply passes through our system without truly hydrating us. The first step is understanding that municipal tap water is one of the greatest sources of toxic exposure. That’s why I always recommend investing in a high-quality water filter — unfortunately, a standard refrigerator filter won’t cut it! However, filtration often removes both toxins and beneficial minerals, which is why we must add minerals back into the water we drink. Incorporating trace minerals or a high-quality fulvic/humic mineral blend should be a staple in every household. Clean, mineralized water isn’t just hydrating — it’s a catalyst for optimal health and the foundation for so many of our body’s processes.

4) The best method of detox is reducing the toxins you’re exposed to in the first place. While we can’t avoid all environmental toxins in today’s world, we have significant control over the toxins in our own homes. Start by swapping out personal care products and cleaning solutions for those made with clean, non-toxic ingredients. Eliminating synthetic fragrances is one of the most impactful changes you can make — this includes scented candles, perfumes/colognes, plug-ins, room sprays, and car fresheners. Shockingly, the single word ‘fragrance’ on an ingredient label can hide up to 3,500 unregulated chemicals. Reducing your toxic load begins with awareness and simple swaps, and these changes can dramatically improve your overall wellbeing.

5) Emotional processing is foundational to all aspects of health. Tools such as breathwork, microdosing mushrooms, somatic therapy, journaling, and building the capacity to speak your truth should be considered non-negotiable for true wellbeing. Many people struggling with gut issues are desperately searching for a magic supplement to fix the problem, but here’s the truth: you can only digest and metabolize food as well as you’re able to digest and metabolize your emotions. Unprocessed emotions don’t just disappear — they stay buried within the body, often manifesting as physical dis-ease and chronic symptoms. Healing requires us to not only nourish the physical body but also release the emotional burdens we carry. When we honor and process our emotions, we create the internal safety necessary for deep, vibrant health.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

I’m incredibly grateful to say that I’ve already started a movement that is bringing profound wellness to so many people: microdosing. Through my company, MicroFlow, I’ve created a space where microdosing isn’t just a trend — it’s about unlocking deeper self-awareness, healing, and transformation.

Microdosing has the power to help people build new, healthy neural networks, improve mood and mental health, and expand nervous system capacity. It allows individuals to metabolize unprocessed emotions, rewire subconscious patterns, and shift from a state of merely surviving to thriving. It helps people remember the magic within and around them, empowering them to reconnect with themselves in ways they may have never imagined.

This movement is about more than a product; it’s a call to live in alignment with your highest self. Through MicroFlow, I’ve created not just a tool for healing but also a community that supports people on their journey toward wholeness, creativity, and purpose.

My dream is for microdosing to become widely understood and embraced as a safe and transformative way to improve mental, emotional, and physical health. When individuals thrive, the collective heals — and that’s the legacy I want to leave behind.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

  1. An overwhelmed nervous system is very easy to overwhelm. Throwing too much at the body at once (supplements, biohacks, detoxes, plant medicines, somatic therapies, etc.) can shift the body into an even deeper state of survival!
  2. You live in a slow cooker body in a microwave society. Quick fixes always come with consequences. True healing happens with time, consistency and 1% daily shifts.
  3. Hyper-reactivity to foods, supplements and environmental factors is the alarm sounding of a nervous system that feels deeply unsafe. Dwindling your way down to 5 “safe foods” is not the answer. Instead, we must start addressing WHY the body feels under perpetual attack and becomes so reactive in the first place.
  4. You likely Type A’d your way into your current condition and you can’t Type A your way out. Forcing, pushing, rigidity, perfectionism, control and bypassing the wisdom of the body is how you become ill, so it’s not the energy that’s going to help you heal.
  5. The point of the healing journey is not about feeling good all the time. It’s about getting good at feeling without self-abandoning.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health, and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

Mental health is a topic that’s incredibly dear to my heart because I’ve personally experienced the heaviness of debilitating anxiety and depression. I wish more people understood just how good we are capable of feeling — physically, mentally, and emotionally. And I wish the world realized that addressing the mental health crisis requires so much more than safe spaces, crisis hotlines, and prescription medications.

What’s biological is psychological. Our nourishment, blood sugar stability, circadian rhythm, toxin load, parasites, nervous system health, and unprocessed emotions all play massive roles in shaping our mental wellbeing. Yet, in a time when mental health is being talked about more than ever, people have never been more mentally unwell.

I know what it takes to crawl out of the depths of darkness, and I am passionate about showing people that healing begins with prioritizing the health of the body. There is no separation between the mind and the body — they are one and the same. We live in a system that thrives on keeping people stuck in a fog of fear, disconnection and paralysis, but I came here to be a disruptor.

My mission is to help people reclaim their power, connect to their innate vitality, and remember that joy is their birthright. When we heal the body, we heal the mind, and that’s where true liberation begins.

What is the best way for our readers to further follow your work online?

You can learn more about me and my courses, Hormone Glow Up and Rewired, as well as my 1–1 coaching and retreats, on my website: https://www.christynault.com/

And connect with me on social at:



Thank you for these fantastic insights! We wish you continued success and good health.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at CrunchyMamaBox.com.

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