Fitness Champions: Why & How Eoin Dillon Of CRYOGEN Is Helping To Champion Fitness

Fitness Champions: Why & How Eoin Dillon Of CRYOGEN Is Helping To Champion Fitness

Sleep is the most important time of the day — getting a good night’s sleep improves everything. Take a magnesium glycinate supplement before bedtime and really enjoy relaxing and getting charged up for tomorrow.

Physical fitness is not just about lifting weights or running marathons; it’s about discipline, resilience, and continuous self-improvement. Fitness champions help coach and inspire others to achieve their fitness goals. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Eóin Dillon.

CRYOGEN was founded on a passion to empower people to live vibrantly through the power of self-care to look, feel and move their best.

Eóin Dillon is a visionary leader in the health and wellness industry with a lifetime commitment to holistic well-being. His relentless commitment to excellence, led to a revolutionary form of collagen-based products to provide the body with key amino acids that act as the building blocks for collagen production. CRYOGEN is an innovative solution that blends cutting-edge technology with high-quality, clean collagen products.

Dillon works with many high-profile doctors including Dr. Michael Aziz and more to expand the transformative potential of CRYOGEN supplements and innovate on new products for longevity,

Thank you so much for joining us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

Absolutely! My journey to founding CRYOGEN and the fitness world started in my teenage years, in Ireland, when I discovered a passion for sports and physical activity. I was an avid equestrian and also played football, hurling (an Irish fast paced, team sport) and enjoyed the camaraderie and discipline it brought. However, as I moved into my late teens I found weigh training and was a big Muscle & Fitness reader. Men’s Health was my bible. This healthy intake of successful fitness models and information ignited a deeper interest in understanding the body, which led me to pursue certifications in personal training. From there, I built a career helping others achieve their goals and solving problems, transforming my personal interests into a rewarding profession in both fitness and business.

Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?

One of the most memorable moments of my career would have to be training for a rodeo — I was living in London and had a successful career as a fashion designer. I met a film producer who was working on a documentary in Texas, following Cowboys and their lifestyle / skills. He mentioned that he was looking for interesting people who could ride a horse and were willing to compete at rodeo … so, I signed up and trained to compete! I trained 6 days a week and immersed myself in a culture so foreign to me. Each sport has an earned physique and rodeo training certainly changed my physique which was a huge learning curve with visual results. A pivotal moment in my career for sure.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

1. Persistence: Persistence is all about delaying gratification, and it’s a key strength that I’ve developed over the years. Sticking to your goals, even when the rewards aren’t immediate, builds self-control and shapes your character. This persistence fosters a deep sense of confidence, which is incredibly valuable for anyone striving to grow and become a better version of themselves.

2. Empathy: Understanding and connecting with people on a personal level is crucial. I’ve grown to understand that life is much more than the hour or two that I may spend with someone. External factors and anxieties can hinder peoples progress when training or trying to achieve goals. By emphasizing and creating a safe, judgement free space, I help them enjoy the process and journey of working-out or growing a business.

3. Adaptability: The fitness industry is always evolving… which is exciting and daunting sometimes too. Staying adaptable has allowed me to integrate new trends, products and techniques into my business. I travel a lot for business, so using a good foundation of experience and knowledge means I don’t have to sacrifice any progress or workouts on the go.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that might help people?

Absolutely, I’m currently working on several exciting projects as the founder of CRYOGEN. We’re expanding our product line to include more innovative health and wellness solutions designed to make staying healthy, strong, and embracing pro-aging easier and more accessible for everyone.

One of our key initiatives is developing a new range of collagen-support supplements that not only support skin health but also enhance joint and muscle function. These supplements are formulated to address the specific needs of individuals at different life stages, ensuring they get the right nutrients to maintain their vitality and strength… and most importantly, they can integrate them into their lifestyle effortlessly!

Through these projects, we aim to empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being with effective, science-backed solutions. Our goal at CRYOGEN supplements is to make a healthy lifestyle attainable for everyone, regardless of their starting point… taking a very holistic and non-prescriptive approach to overall wellness is really important to us. I think this will help people to achieve their goals with less pressure and with sustainable results.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview. What inspired you to pursue a career in fitness?

I wanted to change my habits and got sick of my own excuses … I was talking about how fit ‘I was’ or how ‘I looked so healthy and fit’ in passed photos. So, I stopped making excuses and changed my habits and followed my own great advice!

The transformative power of fitness truly inspired me. I’ve seen first-hand how physical activity can dramatically improve someone’s quality of life, from their physical health to their mental well-being. It’s incredibly rewarding and powerful to witness.

What unique strategies do you use to keep your clients motivated and engaged in their fitness journeys?

A personalised approach has to be the number 1 strategy. I understand that everyone’s health and fitness journey is unique, especially for those with families and children, who also juggle careers and socialising too… making yourself a priority so as you can be the best version of yourself, should be high on your priority list and you should feel supported to do so.

I also emphasize the importance of mental well-being alongside physical fitness.

By incorporating mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and mental health support, I help clients achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to health… I practice yoga 4–5 times a week and carry my practice into daily life.

Can you share a particularly memorable success story of a client transformation that you’ve helped achieve?

A client came to me after the Covid-19 pandemic and relentless lock downs with no gym access who had gained 20 kilo’s and had lost their motivation. They had told themselves a story of how they ‘were too old’, ‘this is what happens when you age, ‘dad bods are sexy’ etc and I knew his goals were to get back in shape and to lose the extra kilo’s.

The first step was to change his internal dialogue by giving him perspective and a timeline to achieve his realistic goals, that I set, as he wasn’t trusting himself yet.

The next step was to stay consistent and to celebrate every win … we used a mix of weight training, yoga and outdoor sessions to keep our workouts interesting. Seeing physical results and changing his mindset happened simultaneously.

In less than a year he went from 100Kg’s with aches and pains, no muscle definition and dry unhealthy skin. To, 81kg’s with a toned and sculpted body, glowing skin and the mobility of someone 20 years younger.

How do you stay updated with the latest fitness trends and incorporate them into your coaching?

As an entrepreneur my forte is being able to start trends and see products and services that people will need in 6–12 months that they don’t know they need yet!

The blending of supplementation, fitness and mental health are my starting posts for working with any new clients.

Based on your research or experience, can you please share your “5 Things Anyone Can Do To Improve Their Fitness Routine”?

Stop making excuses.. you’re 100% responsible for your own health and fitness.

Sleep is the most important time of the day — getting a good night’s sleep improves everything. Take a magnesium glycinate supplement before bedtime and really enjoy relaxing and getting charged up for tomorrow.

Be consistent — you get back what you put into your workouts.

Diet is important, eating foods that support your goals and skin, joints, muscles, hair, mental health are non-negotiables. Take supplements to replace what your body naturally depletes over time … an example of this is collagen, which is 30% of your body weights protein and naturally decreases 1% per year over the age of 20.

Mobility and joint health are the most underrated health and fitness hacks — stretching deeply and releasing tension from your joints will transform your posture, your emotional state and your physical appearance. Don’t sleep on this one!

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.

Thank you, and same to you!

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at

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