Stephanie Ferrari Of FRESH Communications On How They Are Promoting Healthy Snacks and Treats

Stephanie Ferrari Of FRESH Communications On How They Are Promoting Healthy Snacks and Treats

You can’t be everything to everyone. When we first started FRESH Communications, we offered a wide range of services beyond our core offerings of PR, influencer partnerships, and social media. We quickly realized that trying to be everything to everyone made it difficult to scale. By narrowing our focus to key areas, we were able to deepen our expertise and expand the business.

Intoday’s fast-paced world, snacking has become an essential part of our daily routine. However, not all snacks are created equal, and many options available are unhealthy. Fortunately, there are companies dedicated to creating and promoting healthy snacks and treats that are not only delicious but also nutritious. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Stephanie Ferrari, MS, RDN, co-founder and partner at FRESH Communications.

Stephanie Ferrari, MS, RDN is a nationally recognized leader in nutrition and business. As co-founder and partner at FRESH Communications, Stephanie’s main areas of focus include business growth and development, brand strategy, and providing thought leadership on food and nutrition trends. She combines nutrition expertise with a deep understanding of media and communications to bring credibility and clarity to the conversation about food.

Thank you so much for joining us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

Myinterest in nutrition and health stems from my childhood. My parents taught me about holistic medicine, herbal healing, and healthy eating from an early age. I also come from a family of writers which fueled my pursuit of a career in communications.

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Journalism from UMass Amherst, which set the stage for my early career at a public relations agency in Boston. There, I had the opportunity to represent a diverse range of industries, including travel, biotechnology, and food. It was during this time that I had a pivotal encounter with a registered dietitian while building a health and wellness advisory board for a client. Her passion and knowledge ignited my interest in nutrition, leading me to pursue a Masters of Nutrition at Boston University.

Upon graduating from BU, I served as the manager of communications for the New England Dairy & Food Council where I combined my experience in public relations with my expertise in nutrition. There, I met my current business partner Sheri Kasper, RDN.

In 2016, Sheri and I launched FRESH Communications, the first full-service public relations agency owned and operated by registered dietitians. Our mission is to bring credibility and clarity to the conversation about food by representing innovative, better-for-you food and beverage brands. What distinguishes us from traditional PR agencies is our specialization in the health food industry. Our comprehensive services include public relations, social media management, influencer and celebrity partnerships, and nutrition communications.

Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?

One of the most interesting and challenging stories from my career occurred just before the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, our company was on an upward trajectory. We were working with several exciting brands, our staff was growing, and we had just moved into a new office space. However, the pandemic swiftly changed everything. Many of our clients had to cut their marketing budgets, reducing our client roster by more than half. As a relatively new agency, this had a significant impact on our bottom line, and we were deeply concerned about our future.

Rather than succumbing to failure, we took proactive steps to sustain our business. We secured a loan to maintain payroll, which allowed us to avoid layoffs. Additionally, we volunteered and offered pro bono services to companies with like-minded missions. We helped collect healthy food products for healthcare workers and created a free resource for brands needing communications guidance during this challenging time. We also reorganized our systems to support a fully virtual workplace. Like many organizations, we had to adapt quickly and effectively.

As we evolved with the changing times, so did the industry, so did the industry. Brands began to invest more in public relations and influencer marketing, as in-person sampling was no longer viable. Marketing budgets eventually increased to support these initiatives, and the demand for our services surged. Within a year, following what seemed like impending failure, our company saw hockey-stick growth. Interestingly, our success at that time came entirely from word-of-mouth and referrals. We had to quickly pivot once again to grow our team and onboard several new clients in an entirely virtual environment.

Since then, our company has helped numerous brands grow through increased awareness, distribution, and acquisition. We have a proven record of success and continue to propel the natural food and beverage industry with our combined expertise in nutrition and communications.

Through this experience I learned that, as a leader, you need to have unwavering belief in your mission. Your vision must be crystal clear, and you must stay true to your values. It’s crucial to uncover opportunities in adversity. To do that, it’s imperative to keep a positive outlook even during the hardest of times. You must strategically navigate the space between your expectations for the future and how reality ultimately unfolds.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Grit: My partner Sheri and I share a trait that has been crucial to our success: grit. During our first month in business, we both discovered we were pregnant with our second children, only three weeks apart! We faced the challenge of managing growing families and a new business simultaneously. Shortly after our children were born, we were offered the opportunity to be featured on a weekly broadcast media show for fourteen consecutive weeks. The catch was that we had to be on set at 4 a.m. every Friday, which meant leaving home at 3 a.m. Balancing newborns, a new business, and early morning segments was tough, but it was a testament to our determination and resilience.

Optimism: I am an optimist to a fault. I believe that when one door closes, three more open. For example, a long-term client once left a brand we had worked on for years. It was disheartening, as we had a wonderful working relationship, and I was concerned about the future of our partnership. However, I remained optimistic and stayed in touch. Eventually, she onboarded us at her new company, and we continued to work on exciting new projects together. This experience reinforced my belief in maintaining a positive outlook and the importance of nurturing professional relationships.

Agility: In our industry, the ability to adapt quickly is essential. When we secure new business, it’s crucial to ensure our team is staffed with the right talent to serve the client effectively. We prioritize maintaining a balanced workload for our team, which requires us to be agile in our hiring process. We have streamlined our recruitment to build an incredible team of talented professionals who form the backbone of our company culture. This agility allows us to provide exceptional service while ensuring our team remains engaged and motivated.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that might help people?

We are thrilled about all our projects! Each brand we work with is uniquely positioned to help people improve their nutrition, and it’s our job to bring those brands to a broader audience. By reaching more people with credible, science-backed messages about healthy foods, we aim to positively impact lives. Our work helps consumers make informed decisions about their nutrition, ultimately supporting their wellness and lifestyle goals.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview. What inspired you to focus on promoting healthy snacks and treats?

Consumers today are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of “healthy” products and the ever-increasing number of wellness trends. The multitude of options, confusing labels, and constantly evolving science make it challenging to keep up. At the same time, today’s crowded news landscape makes it harder for consumers to distinguish scientifically sound nutrition advice from fads. There is a significant need for the voice of registered dietitians to provide accurate, credible information and correct misconceptions. This is where my inspiration came from…I knew I had the skill set to make a positive impact. FRESH Communications is committed to this mission, working with brands to educate people on how better-for-you products support their wellness and lifestyle goals. Our campaigns are designed to inform and simplify food purchasing decisions.

How do you ensure that your products remain both healthy and delicious?

FRESH only collaborates with brands that meet our stringent nutrition standards, ensuring alignment with our mission and values. This approach builds trust between health-conscious consumers and better-for-you brands. It also strengthens our relationships with the media and journalists, who know we provide fact-checked, science-based information. As a result, our outcomes consistently exceed industry benchmarks, both in numbers and impact.

What are some things you have done to educate consumers about the nutritional benefits of your products?

Food brands often struggle to connect brand awareness efforts with consumer education. FRESH Communications addresses this by combining PR strategies with targeted influencer programs. We partner with health professionals, experts, culinarians, and retailers to drive product awareness, support retail relationships, and reach new consumer audiences with educational messages about nutrition benefits. This integrated approach helps our clients connect with consumers, build trust and loyalty, and expand their presence in stores across the US.

Have you experienced any challenges in changing consumer perceptions about healthy snacks? How did you approach that?

FRESH’s work with a natural, zero-calorie sweetener is a prime example of how the agency’s education-focused approach helped change widespread misconceptions about a product. Initially, the sweetener’s ingredients were misunderstood, and consumers either didn’t understand them or feared them. Using a mix of public relations, social media, and content strategies, we successfully shifted the narrative around natural sugar replacements. Our dietitians collaborated with media, influencers, authors, and celebrities to educate consumers on the safety and benefits of the product. This led to a significant increase in brand awareness, loyalty, and distribution, ultimately resulting in the brand’s acquisition.

What are your ”5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started”?

1. You can’t be everything to everyone. When we first started FRESH Communications, we offered a wide range of services beyond our core offerings of PR, influencer partnerships, and social media. We quickly realized that trying to be everything to everyone made it difficult to scale. By narrowing our focus to key areas, we were able to deepen our expertise and expand the business.

2. Entrepreneurship is not glamorous. There’s a misconception that being an entrepreneur grants you financial and time freedom. In reality, it requires hard work and wearing many hats, especially in the beginning. You have to be ready to roll up your sleeves and handle everything from high level strategy to taking out the trash!

3. Asking for help is a non-negotiable skill. Many entrepreneurs have a “do-it-myself” mentality, which can lead to burnout. It’s important to know your limits and build a team with diverse skills to help the business grow without you being involved in everything.

4. Put your own oxygen mask on first. It’s easy to become so focused on your business that you neglect your personal life and health. Don’t let this happen. Make a conscious effort to be present with your loved ones and prioritize your own wellness. As a leader, your wellbeing is crucial to your business’s success.

5. It’s ok to say, “No, thank you.” Turning down work that isn’t right for your business is essential. Early on, we accepted projects outside our core services, which diverted our focus and time. Learning to say no allowed us to stay on course and achieve our goals more effectively.

In a constantly evolving industry, how do you stay ahead of trends to keep your offerings innovative and appealing?

We employ several tools to stay informed about evolving nutrition science, new marketing technologies, industry developments, and media changes. We are members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Public Relations Society of America. We subscribe to scientific newsletters and journals and constantly monitor media trends. Attending trade shows and conferences, as well as completing continuing education courses, keeps us updated and ensures we maintain our credentials.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Many communities across the country face “food deserts” where nutritious foods are not accessible. This creates significant health disparities, especially in disadvantaged populations. While several organizations are working to address this issue, there is still much work to be done. Ensuring everyone has access to healthy food would have a profound impact on public health and wellbeing.

What is the best way for our readers to continue to follow your work online?

Readers can learn more about FRESH and the work we do at and on our social media channels @freshcommunications.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at .

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